Frequently Asked Questions

You will be contacted by an Academic Integrity Monitor (AIM) to discuss the alleged violation. All correspondence is done through your university email account so be sure to check it. If the AIM determines sufficient evidence exists, then your case will be forwarded to the All-University Academic Integrity Board (AUAIB), who will make a decision regarding your case. If you contest the allegations or sanction, you will have the opportunity to meet with a representative from the Academic Initiatives and Integrity office to discuss the process and your rights prior to the AUAIB hearing.

If you are at risk of suspension, expulsion, or loss of scholarship due to an academic integrity violation, you will be allowed to participate in the All-University Academic Integrity Board (AUAIB) hearing. If you do not meet one or more of these criteria, you may request permission, and at the AUAIB's discretion, you may or may not be permitted to participate. All students, however, are granted the opportunity to provide a written statement and meet with an AUAIB member prior to the hearing.

Yes. Within 5 business days of the transmittal of the AUAIB's decision you may submit an appeal. Further information will be provided in your decision letter.

The AUAIB is composed of seven faculty or instructional staff (one from each undergraduate academic college), one faculty representative of the library, one representative of the Graduate School, and two students (one graduate and one undergraduate).

Students can apply to serve on the AUAIB any time by accessing the application. We typically recruit students for open positions in the spring semester due to positions becoming available the next academic year.

The academic integrity policy at the University of Arkansas states that intent does not matter. Honest mistakes do occur, but violations are treated regardless. As a University of Arkansas student, you are expected to know and comply with the Academic Integrity Policy. This places a significant responsibility on you to be aware of the rules in advance by reviewing this website thoroughly and communicating with your instructor whenever you are not sure if something would be considered a violation.

The sanction rubric is the part of the academic integrity policy that stipulates consequences for certain types of offenses. All sanctions are imposed by the AUAIB, and the policy instructs that AUAIB to impose sanctions consistent with the rubric when a student is found responsible for a violation.

It would be in your best interest to report the incident immediately to your instructor or via our website report form. This is actually a common occurrence. Most students want to participate in an academic environment in which there is an even playing field, and people do their own work. If you ever want to discuss an incident before reporting please call us at 575-5229 or email us at

Yes. Visit the student homepage to for links on how to access the Turnitin Self-Check course in Blackboard and understand the Similarity report that will be generated.

It depends. A Level 1 violation (0.5 sanction point) will not result in a notation on your transcript. A Level 2 violation or higher (1.0-3.0 sanction points) will result in an XF for the course and is noted on your transcript indicating that an academic integrity violation occurred. After meeting certain criteria, undergraduate students are able to petition to have the "X" removed from their transcript. The option to remove an X from the transcript is not available to graduate students.

There is potential for suspension if sanction points accrued reach 1.5-2.5. Students are immediately and permanently expelled if found responsible for a Level 3 violation or if sanction points reach 3.0.

The Office of Academic Initiatives and Integrity strongly encourages students NOT to get involved with these companies. There are many ways in which posting notes on these websites could be considered a violation of the academic integrity policy at the University for Arkansas. If you have questions about a particular company or website please feel free to call us to consult. Ultimately, it is your decision, and we are happy to walk you through the potential risks associated with specific circumstances.