Common Violations
A student receives the assigned number of sanction points for each violation for
which he/she is found responsible.
Sanction points are cumulative over the length of the student’s tenure at the University
of Arkansas.
Level ZERO | Grade Sanction: LETTER OF REPRIMAND |
Sanction Points: 0.0 |
Plagiarism less than 10% of assignment | ||
Collaboration less than 10% of assignment when instructed to work independently | ||
Unauthorized use/possession of any materials on less than 10% of an assignment | ||
Level ONE | Grade Sanction: ZERO ON ASSIGNMENT |
Sanction Points: 0.5 |
Copying/viewing another student’s work during a quiz/exam | ||
Unauthorized use/possession of any materials on a quiz/exam, or on 10% or more of any assignment | ||
Unauthorized collaboration during a quiz/exam | ||
Attempting to, facilitating and/or aiding an act of academic dishonesty | ||
Collaborating on more than 10% of assignment when instructed to work independently | ||
Submitted work for a course that has been submitted in a different course, or previous offering of same course | ||
Falsification of attendance or participation for any academic activity | ||
Substitution for a graded activity which is 10% or less of course grade | ||
Plagiarism on 10% or more of an assignment | ||
Providing false information or withholding information which could result in an academic advantage |
Level TWO | Grade Sanction: XF in the course |
Sanction Points: 1.0 |
Obtaining or providing information about an examination not yet administered (or attempting to do so) | ||
Substitution on an exam or other assignment which is 10% or more of course grade | ||
Attempting to engage in any behavior associated with contract cheating (e.g. buying, selling, obtaining, or providing work submitted for academic credit) | ||
Plagiarism on work outside of a course (thesis, dissertation, comprehensive exam, etc.) | ||
Submitting altered or falsified data on an assignment | ||
Also applies if points accumulated totals at least 1.0-2.5 | ||
Level THREE | Grade Sanction: 1 - Semester Suspension |
Sanction Points: 1.5 |
Buying, selling, obtaining or providing academic work to be used for the purpose of contract cheating. | ||
Falsifying, altering or signing another person’s name on a university document in work for a course |
Level FOUR | Grade Sanction: IMMEDIATE EXPULSION |
Sanction Points: 3.0 |
Altering grades or official records | ||
Falsifying, altering or signing another person’s name on a university document for work outside of a course | ||
Sabotaging another student’s work | ||
Submitting falsified date on work done outside of a course (thesis, dissertation, etc.) | ||
Also applies if points accumulated totals at least 3.0 |