Student Volunteer Opportunities
Be part of the reason there is such a strong culture of academic integrity amongst students at the University of Arkansas by volunteering with the Office of Academic Initiatives and Integrity. Log your hours through our GivePulse group serving as a social media ambassador, exam proctor, or presenter, and work your way into serving on the All University Academic Integrity Board (AUAIB). See what members of the AUAIB have had to say about their experience below.
The undergraduate and graduate student representatives bring a valued and unique perspective to AUAIB deliberations. They see events and situations from the students’ point of view, but, at the same time, they are often the most forceful advocates for the importance of academic integrity. I have been consistently impressed by the maturity, confidence, sense of integrity, and just plain good sense of the students who serve on the AUAIB. From a faculty perspective, getting to know the student representatives is one of the most satisfying parts of serving.- Faculty Member
The AUAIB is responsible for reviewing contested cases of academic dishonesty. Cases can be contested by students or instructors based on responsibility or sanctions. The AUAIB is responsible for ensuring any finding of responsibility for academic misconduct is supported by a preponderance of the evidence and for imposing sanctions consistent with the Sanction Rubric when a student is found responsible for a violation.
Serving as an undergraduate representative on the AUAIB has been one of the most fulfilling things I've done at the University of Arkansas. I get to contribute to a board that thoughtfully and sincerely considers every case, and my perspective as a student is respected. My participation on the AUAIB has challenged me to expand my understanding of justice and be confident in the value of my contributions.- Undergraduate Student
Serving as a graduate student on the AUAIB is extremely rewarding. As a board member, you are able to ensure the value of University of Arkansas degrees, that students are treated fairly, and to gain unique insights related to the inner workings of the university. I have no doubt my experience on the board will prove valuable in my professional endeavors.- Graduate Student